Tags: Pinterest, small business marketing, Yahoo! Voices

Have you heard of Pinterest? It's the Internet site where people "pin" images and photos that they enjoy so others can see them. It's a fun, fairly new, social networking site ... but does it have potential for anything beyond that? You bet it does. Think outside the box and consider it for small business marketing.
There are two ways to join Pinterest. The hard way and the easy way. The hard way includes going to the site, requesting an invitation, and then waiting for the invite. Which may be quite slow in coming because there's often a waiting list.
The easy way? You'll be surprised when I tell you and will say, "Of course, that's the way to do it!" Simply request an invitation through a friend.
There are more tips beyond that, and my article at Yahoo! Voices, titled, "Using Pinterest for Small Business Marketing" outlines what to do from there ... but let me pique your interest by giving you a quick synopsis. You'll want to pin items using SEO keywords and embedded links, think related items, and cater towards Pinterest's demographics. For more in-depth details, head over and read my article ...
As for what's coming up next ... a soon-to-be-released gardening article titled, "The Zen of Fertilizing--Five Ways to Maintain Your Calm While Shoveling Manure." Check back next week for a synopsis and the link.
Or do it the easy way (ah yes, once again, "the easy way"), and get free updates by email or RSS feeds.
Until next time ...
~ Cindy Lynn
Author, Poet, and Philosopher at Yahoo! Voices