Everyone has at least one favorite car that they've loved. Mine was my '67 Chevy Camaro Sport Coupe, and here's an excerpt from an article I wrote about it:
Fast cars! In the late 60s, girls weren't supposed to care about cars, but instead were expected to act like femme fatales, on the prowl for guys, appearing giddy if a male even glanced their way. But as a high school senior, I said to heck with the restrictive male/female roles. I loved fast cars, especially my '67 Chevy Camaro. And I knew most guys were green with envy that I drove one ...
If you have a sec, head over to my Associated Content article and read the rest of the story. It involves a red light, a 'Vette, and a stretch of empty road.
Also, I thought you might be interested in seeing the original invoice on the car, below. Times have sure changed, and cars cost significantly more now!

By the way ... what was your favorite car?