Below is an excerpt from it:
Brittany cocked her head and stared at the paved trail running parallel to the Virgin River—was it safe to jog it in the early dawn light? Her bangs blew into her eyes as a gust of wind passed. Brushing them aside, she wondered for the umpteenth time about coloring her hair. Life just wasn't fair—prematurely gray at twenty-eight. It felt like a bad joke that Mendelian genetics had played on her.
She glanced at the dark sky, at the icy-white moon as it faded on the horizon, and at the two vehicles in the parking lot near the trailhead. Did the dented truck with rusted fenders belong to a mugger ... or worse?
The story even has five pictures at the top to show you the setting, so pop on over and check it out. Then let me know what you think!