Don't you love a true story that has a happy ending? Almost everyone loves a true story that ends well, especially when it involves a beginning romance that takes place for Valentine's Day.
Here's an excerpt of one that I just posted at Associated Content:

"Sherlock Holmes Never Met Sir Galahad"
By Cindy Lynn
Like most teenage girls, I envisioned the love of my life as a shining knight who would ride up on a white charger, sweep me into his arms and we'd ride off into the sunset. Barring the white horse, romance could still flourish if my beloved rode up in a 1967 candy-apple-red Ford Mustang, swept me into the passenger's seat, and we drove off into the sunset of the California beaches.
In my sophomore year at an all girls' Catholic school, the nuns scheduled a movie for Valentine's Day, and invited the young men from the nearest boys' Catholic school. The sisters planned a kiss killer—a movie based on an Edgar Allen Poe story.
I went alone. Glancing around the room, I realized there weren't any Sir Galahads present, just normal teenage boys. That was fine by me because who wanted to say they met their erstwhile knight at a horror movie?
Following the film, I chatted in the hallway with my friend, Celeste.* She turned to me and said. "Let's go to the cafeteria for cookies."
I glanced further down the hall. Were there any good-looking hunks there? Nope, just a pair of freshmen with shirttails hanging out—pushing each other and belching.
Boys. Why couldn't they act suave, instead of resembling mountain goats with gas? (Click here to continue.)
If you want to know what happened next, pop on over to my Associated Content article and when you're done reading, leave a comment and tell me about something wonderful that happened to you on Valentine's Day.
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